Take Charge Of Your Time

by Ankur Warikoo - Co-founder of nearbuy.com


35,516+ Students

A 90-minute course with a Ready-to-Implement 10-day Practice Exercise explained step-by-step along with a demo.

This course will include:

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Monthly LIVE Interactive Sessions

Speak With Your Coach: Ankur Warikoo


Let Ankur Warikoo help you solve all your Time and Productivity related issues, queries, and doubts. 

What You’ll Learn Inside this Course:

Who must take this course:

“I have a lot of goals in my life. I want to be a dancer. I want to be a traveler. I want to learn how to cook. I want to start up. And at the same time, take care of family. And I want to learn skills that will help me do all these.

Though I have enough time after my 10-6 job. I’m still not using it appropriately.”

“I don’t know how my time is passing so quickly. I am doing nothing other than getting up, eating, doing Client work, and wasting time on Youtube or on other social platforms.

I am not able to spend time on learning, upskilling, reading, or meeting friends. Months have been passing like that.“

“Co-Founder of a company raising money and juggling between hiring, product, tech & customer success is resulting in.

sleepless nights -> bad productivity -> bad time management and a lot of stress. Want to get back on track!”

“I’m a student and I want to do higher studies. I spend a lot of time trying to cover the vast syllabus but fail miserably. I spend more time making and canceling plans than working on my goals.

I need to learn time management so I can get things done and complete my studies more efficiently.”

“I’m a mom with 2 kids, a boy, and a girl.

I have to take care of my home, plan my finances for the future, give time to my hobbies & so much more. I need help”

“Not able to figure the right path forward with my career. Tried a lot of things but I’m still unclear and now getting trapped with my own fears. I am low on confidence.

I have a job but I’m not satisfied with it. And I can’t leave my job, plan things and focus on myself due to lack of time management.”

Meet your Startup Mentor

Ankur Warikoo

3.3Mn+ followers

Hi! I’m Ankur Warikoo. And thanks for taking an interest in reading about me!

I call myself a Productivity Geek because I am obsessed with systems, planning, and smart work.

In my career, I have been fortunate enough to experience multiple things like starting up nearbuy.com, making it grow to $100Mn in annual sales, acting as a mentor and advisor to founders, speaking at leading colleges and organizations 

I attribute much of these experiences to how I run my day, every day.

While most of us feel lost and feel like we are wasting time, I have, over the past 20 years, built a wonderful relationship with time. 

Every single day, I am able to:

I know, you are likely to think, “Oh you have made your money. So it’s easy for you to do all of these things now.”

The truth is – I was like this, even back in school.

I used to maintain a record of where I spent my time, every hour!

Because I realized, if I do not know how to manage my time, I will never be able to manage anything else!

In this course, I share how I look at the time, manage it and help you do the same 🙂

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

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3.3Mn+ followers

What is stopping you from taking charge of your time:

Reason 1

You don’t think a 90 minutes Course is going to change your life.

It’s true it won’t. But it will give you a system to track your time and make personalized plans for your life. Every single concept you learn inside the course has been personally used by me for the past 20 years of my life. Trust me it works!

Reason 2

There are too many courses out there. What makes this course worth the time and money? 

Try the 10-day exercises. See the results in your life. If you don’t see results, ask for a refund. You have a 14 Day Money-back guarantee.

Reason 3

You don’t trust yourself to follow any plans or any course. You think you are lazy and too busy to follow the steps in this course.

 If you are reading this you can do it. You are not perfect and neither is anyone else. You just need to pay attention to the course, replay it if you need, and follow the simple steps, one day at a time.

Reason 4

Information overload is wearing you down. You think there is so much information on YouTube, you don’t need another course that teaches the same things that are free on the internet.

The stuff on the internet doesn’t teach you the “how-to” or isn’t actionable. 
If they worked, you wouldn’t be here.

Reason 5

Perfectionism is paralyzing your progress. You try to set plans for every minute of your life. You try to micro plan and get disturbed when your plan doesn’t work.

That’s because your plan is not suitable for you. You need an adaptable system that changes with change in your day. To keep you productive on all days.

Because only Change is Constant.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

See 3 More Reason

Feedback & Results of Students

Play Video

“ All myths answered about startups…“

“Helped me a lot in booming my business”

Play Video
Play Video

“The finer details never taught in schools/colleges..“

Play Video

“… helped me Evaluate my Startup ideas”

Play Video

“ Taught with Practical examples, not just theory…“

Play Video

“From Selecting the idea to launching in the market..“

Play Video

“Each module planned precisely…”

Play Video

“It’s a Practical Entrepreneurship course…“

See More See Less

Get Certification

After completing this course, you receive a ‘Certificate of Completion.
It is signed personally by me, your mentor – Ankur Warikoo

100% Money-Back Guarantee

If at all you are unhappy with this course, you can cancel anytime within 14 days.

NO awkward questions or complicated ‘T&C’ applied.

Reach out to: webveda@ankurwarikoo.com, and your money will be refunded.  It’s that simple!

It is very easy to Push today’s work on Tomorrow’s promise.
But sadly that “tomorrow” never comes.

All you have is today, now, this minute right now… 
And that will decide how your tomorrow will be.

So how do you want to spend this minute?
– Ankur Warikoo

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

Your credentials to access the course will be delivered to your inbox within 5 minutes of your purchase. Please check your promotions tab as well. The email will come from webveda@ankurwarikoo.com
Drop me an email on webveda@ankurwarikoo.com & I’ll look into this for you.
You will get a unique access link & password.
Currently the Masterclass is available in both English and Hindi. You will get access to both upon purchase.
Yes. You will get a certificate upon completion of this course.
Yes! You can cancel your course within 14 days of purchase if you don’t like it. I don’t want your money if you are not happy with the course.
You can email me on webveda@ankurwarikoo.com & I’ll cancel and refund your money within hours. No awkward questions asked.

Pre-recorded 90 minute course content is great because it allows the student to learn at their own pace. However, during that learning phase, any clarifications or questions that may arise are often left unanswered.
Which is where live sessions come in. These sessions build ON TOP of the recorded content so that students can come with their questions and learn from the questions of others in the LIVE session.

Yes – all these live sessions will be available for a lifetime, as recorded content to all students
No. This is an upgrade to the existing course and all older students will get access to the LIVE session for FREE.
The LIVE Online Interactive Sessions with Ankur Warikoo will be held every month